Blotches puff from my legs Whats in them Couldnt be muscle Skin fiber and mesh Rubbish to guess What is it I wouldnt a clue These blotches that puff from me, to you Let it blow in smoke –Mitchell.Tie

Bleeding Sky

The sky fell And when it did So i did This ignorant cognition A story I replace Each blow of this ground Th–domestic abuse that I face Each so innocent As i kid–hidden in piece This peace now miss in, Ms. In a case if you didnt catch it That was MS end The DefContinue reading “Bleeding Sky”

“I ain’t You slim”–truth he fold

The created imagry of doubt presumes this time Presumes As i would assume, this joke of mine Created by a web These thoughts of mind A hacking of–“pretend its dad” –its dead This face that i replace Garnishing the room, acts sent to escape This pan of a plan Because what would you do as—manContinue reading ““I ain’t You slim”–truth he fold”

All of this–stuff

Im here to write This blank page adds to another story in my life A bullshit saga These series of me–why so Many as i shed Each leaf creating a reality of what you see And of course– Yes, you– Is me; As we breed deep in this lead that these thoughts speak –Wander IContinue reading “All of this–stuff”

Soprano Tune—hold this note

Ok so my ego spoke As soon as i heard it I croak To live in this moment I surrender this moment Times fled by like sworn oaths that fly So misleading Yet understood The deafs that draft us by our collar insist Only if we could—i mean –should? –Would i –take a chip ofContinue reading “Soprano Tune—hold this note”


What’s left in an absent mind after all is lost The incredible speech? Or a need to give its peace? These blanks drawn up made sound so Deaf as the hearing occured when no ones to be found This no-mads-land A grasping of self A holding to the account— Be accountable for these acts TheseContinue reading “Sound/off”

These irrational thoughts

I dont even know what to write My heart sages a “just do it” page Reminder to make a habit of it Afterall it comes so easy “to me” And such is believed about life …. Who wouldve thought -how i looked from this perspective Funny is the eye Its spectrum of beauty So conclusiveContinue reading “These irrational thoughts”

The art of humanity (fml?)

On this distant page I stare out in a blank Drawing this conclusion I get so delusional with things So wild–the imagination I’d pictured Great sights unseen to me These great lies i’d concord Only to low and behold a blow I guess i shouldve seen it coming Eyes wide-shut, this mouth of mine LivingContinue reading “The art of humanity (fml?)”

How-clever? XY

I thought to write about how it was “all my fault”..i mean Had i not made those million IG post to boast Who am I? A quest to guess of a person if i’d guest A personified guess So believing “this”- deceiving thoughts of me, bereaving These mile-stones i’ve hawked as they walked way fromContinue reading “How-clever? XY”

Chile, im Own

I said i was allergic And so she Made that pussy talk to me Words felt like no other So unexpected , this– Ill gasp for the naysays and egos that yield class– Anyway, Cis made that pussy talk to me & how could i forget– This grip– Couldnt get a walk from me –iContinue reading “Chile, im Own”

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